Our Vision:

Imladris is a movement to create a spiritually healthy and economically profitable ecosystem of Redemptive Content Creators, Patrons, and Fans, motivated by their shared faith, to bring excellence, scholarship, and leadership the Interactive Entertainment Industry.

We are a non-profit community organization founded in 2021 when two dozen friends gathered to lay the foundation for a 100-year vision of what kind of gaming sector we wanted our kids and great-great-grandkids to inherit. That humble weekend now speaks to hundreds of visionary leaders who have a heart for arts and entertainment far beyond their next project but into the next century as the Sphere of Celebration moves increasingly to the digital, to the virtual, and to the meta. 

Your tax-deductible support makes our bold, world-shaping vision possible, including the annual gathering that has served so well to ignite this fire.

If you want to see The Kingdom of Heaven represented in the exploding and influential world of Interactive Entertainment, support Imladris Today!

Learn more at Www.Imladris.Community ->

Support by sending checks to :

Soma SoulWorks / 316 E. 1st St. / Newberg, OR 97132

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Your gift will continue until canceled, or set number of gifts.


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